Кто-то (2022) HD Rezka


Про что сериал « Кто-то »


TV series "Кто-то" is a gripping psychological thriller that follows the story of a mysterious figure who begins to wreak havoc on the lives of a group of friends in a small town. The friends soon realize that this person knows all of their deepest secrets and is intent on using them to manipulate and destroy their lives. As the group struggles to uncover the identity of "Кто-то" and stop their reign of terror, they are forced to confront their own dark pasts and the secrets they have been hiding from each other. With twists and turns at every corner, "Кто-то" keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as they try to unravel the mystery behind this enigmatic figure and the havoc they have unleashed.

Плеер также доступен на телефоне и планшете под управлением андроид (Android с поддержкой HLS), и на iPhone и iPad под управлением iOS.

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